Staying organized is a difficult habit to integrate into your life. Like with most things, the trick is to do a little bit every day. Here are five tips you can use to get your apartment organized - and stay organized!
Make Your Bed
Making your bed every morning is a wonderful way to start your day. It is also a quick fix to an unorganized room, since your bed is the main focal point. When you make your bed each morning, it gets your linens and pillows off the floor and frees up more space in your room. Your bed can also double as place to fold your laundry.
Pick Up Your Clothes
Clothes create the biggest mess in a bedroom, because they're so easy to throw on the floor when you can't find what you're looking for. Do a spot check every day to pick up clothes off the floor and place them in your hamper. Commit to doing laundry weekly, and fold immediately after the clothes are done drying to avoid them sitting and getting wrinkled for a week. Folding laundry is the perfect Netflix and Chill activity; turn on your favorite show and get to it.
Do Your Dishes
Dirty dishes clutter counter space and limit the use of the kitchen. Who wants to cook a beautiful dinner or meal prep in a dirty space? No one. Do your dishes as soon as you're done with them - rinse, dry or stick in the dishwasher, repeat. Remember, a clean sink is an organized kitchen!
Timeless furniture pieces that double as storage are a win win.
Store Your Things
Utilizing simple storage is a great way to hide stuff and can maximize your living space, giving your apartment a more comfy, organized feel. Wicker baskets and storage bins allow you to have a home for all your items and will train you to put things back when you are finished using them. Plus, storage containers won't cost you a fortune and can add style to your apartment.
Go Paperless
Instead of having all your bills pile up on your kitchen counter, desk or other areas in your apartment, go paperless. If you like to save your bills for records, paperless is even a better option for you because you can save your statement to your computer. This is not only a perfect solution to get organized but a great way to save the environment.